Saint-Petersburg: phone: 8 (812) 309 25 85
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BG Milk offers a wide range of dyes, as well as products with a secondary coloring effect from the world-famous manufacturer Naturex.

Using extensive knowledge and professional experience, the Naturex research department can create dyes that retain their color during production, packaging and long-term storage of products. Impressive
scientific experience, advanced production processes and a variety of formulations make it possible to create stable dyes with the necessary degree of solubility and stability.

All Naturex ingredients are subject to comprehensive quality control at all production sites. Each stage of the technological process is strictly controlled so that you receive natural dyes with the highest
possible degree of traceability, quality control and safety.

Naturex specialists have developed two new lines of natural dyes: VegeBrite™ and E-Color™. They provide food and beverage manufacturers with endless possibilities in the field of color solutions, offering all shades of a natural color palette.

Get more detailed information, documentation, samples, and also buy You can find the ingredients you are interested in by contacting the managers of BG Milk.

Contact us

BG Milk JSC:

192019, St. Petersburg,
nab.Obvodnogo kanala, d.24 lit.A

Phone 8 (812) 309 25 85
